Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 7 - December 13

Today is P-day! I'm getting close with Elders Lewis, Snow, Hopkins, Taylor, and Elder Flint. We just talked about hobbies and whatnot.
I got to go to the temple first thing in the morning its such a great day to start the day :) I think my favorite thing about P-day is going to be the temple food! So good!
We had a devotional today all about "Doing All you can on His time" it was a really good devotional.

Today was a rough day. Nothing seemed to go right for anyone in my zone. I'm getting more used to the food here which is a really good sign. No letters :( I taught the first Lesson today in the TRC it was hard but I felt like I knew what I was doing (thank goodness for the spirit.) I wish I knew more about the Gospel before my mission but I love the person I am becoming :)

The days are going by so fast. I feel like you get up and a couple hours latter its time for bed. I had some service today which just means I cleaned the MTC. I learned that I haven't "Crossed my river yet" meaning I haven't had to be like the three men on the handcart company that had to cross the ice cold river. I got a letter from Jess! It me so happy!

Today was boing I pretty much only sat in class all day but I did pretty much understand everything they taught today which was great! I got letters!! One from Jess, Isaac, Mom, and Grant. I love hearing how people are doing :)

Its funny how the lord likes to knock you on feet right as your starting to get up :) Yesterday I felt like I could understand everything. Today.... I almost died! I could not understand a word. Heck I almost cried Its okay cause I know tomorrow will be better.

Sundays are so different. So relaxing! My head doesn't hurt. I don't feel like I'm running around everywhere. It's nice to have a day of rest :D Luch was actually GOOD! Like I even wanted seconds! It was just turkey, potatoes, and veggies but every sunday we get ICE CREAM! The mission is a great thing. I'm already seeing improvements in my life.

Today was different. It was good, sad, confusing, clear. I don't really know how to describe it. Food was same ole ole (how ever you spell it) I found a lot of good scriptures about forgiveness. My favorites were John 8:7-12. I also think John 11:35 is good. Even Jesus had to cry sometimes :D
Elder Taylor had to go home today it was so sad. We all hope he gets to come back soon. he was going to be a great missionary.

Guys if I didn't write you a letter its not cause I don't love you it just means I didn't get a letter from you :( and if I did and forgot I'm sorry. Write me another one and you'll be the firt person I write :)
I love you all! Yes you
Steven and anyone else I forgot

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