Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 8 or Something (Week 9)

so this week was pretty good, I feel like Ive learned a lot I hope you all get my letters soon! but here is my weekly report, sorry its gonna be kinda short but I have several people who emailed me that I need to write back.
today was a good day, I found lots of new ways to help me improve my language study. Elder Flint and I have even made it a goal to speak 100% ukrainian till lunch every morning. other then that its pretty much been like everyother day here in the mtc
Today is service day and like the past 3 weeks Elder flint and I took on the task of vacuming rugs, we are pros at it now! Today was a preety hard day to keep myself motivated, but I dont want to waste a min in here cause soon I'm going to be in Ukraine and I'm going to have to talk to everyone! its gonna be so hard but I know if I can keep myself motivated I can learn Ukrainian.
Today was another pretty chill day one of my teachers came pretty late but its because he just had a kid! hes a really cool guy I cant wait till next year when he moves back to ukrainian and maybe I'll serve in his home town (hes from ukraine) guess what! I now weigh 147 lbs now! I've gained 7 pounds here in the MTC I wanna gain like another 10 then I'll be set for the winter :)
I feel like I wasnt really ready for a mission before I left but that I'm really learning a lot here and that I will be a great missionary
today was interesting because I hed to learn Russian because I'll end up hearing it on my mission a lot, I've decided that russian is very ugly compared to ukrainian, mostly today was MDT time or just personal study time so I spent time looking up questions I might be asked on my mission
Today was a great sunday! Brother Seamon gave a talk that was really cool about how to get through hard times here were his suggestions on how to better get through hard times
1. Know who you are and whose you are
2. Understand the plan of salvation
3. be odedient!
the devotional tonight was also amazing! it was all about it you can feel the spirit then you are ready to teach, it doesnt really matter if you dont remember everything perfectly but if you can feel the spirit then it can guild you.
Well today was interseting, we've started speaking 100% ukrainian all day everyday and I can tell its going to be super hard for me cause the only person I can talk to in ukrainain is Elder Flint! and he knows even less then I do! these next two weeks are going to be rough. I'm also starting to feel old here cause everyone is looking to me for how to study better or how to teach better and I have no Idea but I always try to teach them how to do it and for some reason I can always feel the spirt teaching me while I teach them its really cool

yeah I know this isnt all 7 days but you'll just have to read my journal when I get back, I leave out a lot of stuff, I just want you guys to see a little of what my life is like I love you all and I hope your doing well! write me soon
Elder Carlisle

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